凄すぎ……!! Appleが公式Instagramを開設、iPhoneで撮影された写真をキュレーション

凄すぎ……!! Appleが公式Instagramを開設、iPhoneで撮影された写真をキュレーション






「Shot on iPhone」というキャンペーンにの1つだといい、Instagramに「#ShotoniPhone」のハッシュタグで投稿された写真の中から、Appleが厳選しているのだとか。



#ShotoniPhone by… - 1. Ryan P. @ryanpernofski "I think it’s normal to have fears of a monster that swims around. But I guess the percentage of getting eaten by a shark is so small. I think if it happens, as long as I get a photo of it, I’ll be OK.” - 2. Caitlin R. & Derek E. @itsmoosethepug “We are really big pug fans.” - 3. Reuben W. @itsreuben “I just like to have a feeling of discovering something new, even though I’m not actually discovering something new. Everything has been discovered now.” - 4. Noora A. @nooora91 “I love the view of a model going forward. It gives me a sense of strength in going forward fearlessly.” - 5. Hannah R. @subwayhands "The subway is a funny place. You’re on it every day, but always with different people. So there’s this weird familiarity and also a little bit of guardedness.”

appleさん(@apple)がシェアした投稿 -

#ShotoniPhone by… - 1. Maurice H. @bloomandplume “If people like photos of flowers and people like photos of me, why not just put the two together?” - 2. RJ P. @rockadeezy “The landing is the hard part. If I really want to be horizontal I land on all fours. Like a cat. But if the ground’s too hot, or it’s hard terrain I’ll land on my feet.” - 3. Jeryl T. @j9ryl “Just because I’m colorblind doesn’t make photography a guessing game. There’s always a direction I want to go. A mood I want to create.” - 4. Britainy W. @lanadeathray “Owls are kinda like the ninjas of the bird world. Like, that mouse never saw it coming.” - 5. Koci H. @koci “I can walk outside, tap a piece of glass, and suddenly I’ve captured something. With another tap, I can share it with the entire world. If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.”

appleさん(@apple)がシェアした投稿 -

#ShotoniPhone by… - 1. Paul O. @pauloctavious “I’ve just always been attracted to rainbows. It’s like magic. But now that I know how rainbows are made, it’s like I’m performing my own magic.” - 2. Tyrone P. @robotfaced “I’ve actually found two or three, or let’s say two and a half, species of chameleons that are not officially known to science. You can’t look in a text book or a field guide and find these animals. There’s simply not enough known about them.” - 3. Jirasak P @joez19 “I live in a small town and own a small trucking fleet in Thailand. I am not a professional photographer.” - 4. Jenn Z. @thesdcowgirl “I feel claustrophobic when I go to the city now. You get so used to being able to see for miles. I call it cowgirl church.” - 5. Yais Y. @_yaisyusman_ “I call the series The Hanging Collection. It's simply creating an illusion of a person hanging.”

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